
Traveled to Huainan, Anhui Province to perform routine maintenance on the automated surface monitoring system of Pan Yidong Coal Mine.

5moon4On March 28, 2011, the personnel of the company's Technology R&D Department went to Huainan City, Anhui Province to conduct a survey on the first coal mine of Panji of Huainan Mining Group (referred to as"Pan Yidong mine") Performs routine maintenance of the Automated Surface Monitoring System (ASMS).

Pan Yidong Mine was founded in1973Year, designed annual production capacity300Tens of thousands of tons.1983surname Nian12moon26The mine was officially put into production on1996Year of production.2009Annual production of raw coal556million tons, which is the same as the year of commissioning13Times. up (a time)2014At the end of the year, the mine produced raw coal9800More than ten thousand tons. Panyi Mine is one of the first batch of former Ministry of Coal-named15It is one of the modernized model mines, and has been awarded the"China Coal Industry Special Grade Safe and Efficient Mines","Advanced Coal Mines in the Coal Industry","Anhui Province first-class safety and quality standardization coal mine","Demonstration mine of coal mine gas treatment and utilization in Anhui Province","Advanced grass-roots party organizations in Anhui Province to create the first and strive for excellence","Anhui Provincial Civilized Unit","Advanced Party Committee of Provincial Enterprises"and a host of other honors.

The automated surface monitoring system for the Pan Yidong Mine was completed in2013surname Nian10month, the construction has1Reference stations and15The monitoring stations, which are our"Beidou Geological Hazard Safety Monitoring and Early Warning Platform"Engineering application of the model project, so far, has been running continuously and stably for two years and seven months.

With the continuous mining of the underground coal seam in Pan Yidong Mine, the subsidence in the middle of the mining area is getting bigger and bigger. Due to the needs of transportation, water conservancy, etc., the roads in the subsidence area are constantly filled with soil to increase the height, which has now seriously threatened the safety of the automated monitoring equipment. After the company's research and reported to the relevant departments of the mining area for approval, it was decided to carry out remodeling work on two of the sites. The specific remodeling work is divided into two parts: rebuild the site that is threatened by security; correct the data of the rebuilt site to ensure the continuity of the site's monitoring data.

The remodeling work took a total of4After the transformation is completed, the whole system will better serve the safe operation of Pan Yidong Mine.

Technicians working at height

Comparison of the site before and after remodeling

(Left: actual picture after the first construction of the station; center: actual picture after running for a period of time in urgent need of renovation; right: actual picture after renovation)
