
Anhui University of Technology Beidou Automated Monitoring Project Launched

2017surname Nian7moon31On March 28, 2012, a technical team from Nanjing Cobo and their delegation4Under the leadership of Project Manager Li Heiwang, the team went to the College of Surveying and Mapping of Anhui University of Technology in Huainan City to install the automated monitoring equipment purchased by the College of Surveying and Mapping. The whole project is set up in total1Automated BeiDou displacement monitoring reference stations and3A monitoring station for automated monitoring of BeiDou displacements. After a period of3days of construction and installation as well as software deployment, the entire project has been completed in8moon2Acceptance was completed on the evening of No.

The College of Surveying and Mapping of Anhui University of Technology purchases BeiDou displacement automated monitoring equipment, which is mainly used for data collection and experimental testing. The latest generation receiver of our company adoptsTrimble® BD982 GNSSBoard cards.Trimble® BD982 GNSSThe board is the most mature single-board dual-antenna positioning and directional product with stable performance in the international market.BD982Provides the most up-to-dateGNSSSignal tracking function, single board can realize the dual-antenna direction finding function, while supporting theRTKDifferential localization solving function, taking into account the high precision localization while completing the direction measurement.BD982 GNSS Not only does it supportGPS L1/L2/L5 ,GLONASS L1/L2 and BeidouB1/B2signals and is capable of tracking the Galileo systemGIOVE-A respond in singingGIOVE-B Experimental satellite for signal evaluation and testing. It is fully capable of meeting the data acquisition and experimental testing requirements of the College of Surveying and Mapping of Anhui University of Technology.

Our Beidou automated monitoring system is integrated with the currentGNSSHigh-precision positioning technology, wireless communication technology, database technology,GNSSThe latest technological achievements, such as communication technology, have led to the development of a comprehensive system applicable to the automated monitoring aspects of BeiDou, which is capable of real-time monitoring of monitoring objects and forecasting and analyzing the results of the monitoring in order to assist in decision-making. The system is capable of24Hourly automation, all-weather, omni-directional, high-precision real-time collection of monitoring data, without the need for personnel on duty, high timeliness, reliability and safety are guaranteed.
